Saturday, October 18, 2008

Assignment Eight: Green Screen

I filmed a scene from Knocked Up in my directing workshop class, and I decided to use a green screen in the car so they didn't actually have to drive. Coincidentally, the project was also due this week, so the timing was perfect with this class!

Here's a little breakdown clip to demo what I did to the original footage, put to music so it's more interesting and also to shamelessly self-promote my band:

HD takes so long to render. Bleh.

And here's the final scene, if anyone is interested:

There are a few spots where there are some glitches, and the green screened and live action shots don't quite match, lighting-wise, but overall I'm pretty happy with it.

Here's a couple of production stills, to show just exactly how low budget this was :-)

1 comment:

Ben Bays said...

Nice work! The reflections on the windshield worked out great. Love the process reveal!