Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Assignment Nine: Motion Tracking

3D Tracking test:

This didn't turn out as well as I'd have liked. The tracking was dead on in boujou but got off a bit in the process of exporting to after effects. I spent a couple of hours trying to troubleshoot.

Also, it started out five seconds but now it's apparently only three. I will definitely have to revisit this when I get more time.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Assignment Eight: Green Screen

I filmed a scene from Knocked Up in my directing workshop class, and I decided to use a green screen in the car so they didn't actually have to drive. Coincidentally, the project was also due this week, so the timing was perfect with this class!

Here's a little breakdown clip to demo what I did to the original footage, put to music so it's more interesting and also to shamelessly self-promote my band:

HD takes so long to render. Bleh.

And here's the final scene, if anyone is interested:

There are a few spots where there are some glitches, and the green screened and live action shots don't quite match, lighting-wise, but overall I'm pretty happy with it.

Here's a couple of production stills, to show just exactly how low budget this was :-)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Assignment Seven: Animate Text


Everything looks better with sound effects added.

Created entirely from scratch in after effects. Explosion uses Particular (which is amazing, fyi.) I even did the sound design in AE, which is why it doesn't line up perfectly.

I had never actually used the text animators before, except for presets. Neat stuff, I'm hooked.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Assignment Six: 3D Layers and Camera

I took a flat background, cut it into a bunch of different layers, and put it together into 3D space. I also added a bunch more random elements that I found doing a google search for "street performers" to fill in empty space. Then I flew a camera around.

Here's the 2D street I started with:

Obviously there are still tons of glitches and bugs that should be fixed, but as it is this took over seven hours to render. The camera freaks out at the end, as well. I should go back and fix that at some point, but probably won't. Sweet!