Monday, December 8, 2008

Where's Waldo Final Film Screening!

All our 366k class' projects are being screened, including my final project Where's Waldo. The screening is Friday, 12/12 from 6pm-8pm in studio 4D in the CMB
building on campus. It's open to the public, so come if you want, and bring friends!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

final project: knife replacement

I used a black knife in this original shot and since everything is so dark, you can't even tell what it is:

So I tracked his hand and replaced the knife with a silver one. Kinda dirty, but good enough:

final project: digitally removing some legs

In one shot, a character is in the top left of the frame to the left of waldo, but in the next shot, they are back on the other side of waldo (the right side). So, I went in and digitally painted out the legs from the shot. It is a bit glitchy, and the shadows aren't perfect, but it happens so quickly that I think no one will notice.

I managed to do this by motion tracking the whole shot, pulling a few clean plate sections from various frames, overlaying them, and then matching their movement back to the original footage.

A lot of these previews are turning out really dark, where you can barely even see what I did. The final DVD or high res quicktime or whatever will look tons better.

final project: more gunshots

More gunshots, I went back and added even more lighting effects.

Of course our hero is a really bad shot, otherwise the movie would end way sooner. So there are also the missing bullet ricochets:

Monday, December 1, 2008

final project: gun shots

there are three gun shots in my project. Here's what they look like:

Of course, they have sound effects in the final version, too.

final Project: Motion Smoothing

Here is the opening shot of my movie, over which will be opening credits. It was handheld and really shaky, so it's one of a dozen or so clips that I had to smooth out in After Effects:

The edges were covered by zooming in and/or motion tile.

Of course, if I do my job right, you'll never notice these effects in the final movie. :-)