Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Where's Waldo Shovel Hit

I'll add before/after and more detail clips later, but here's the first two effects of the film:

First I masked Waldo so he appears from behind a tree, and then second I added in a bit of blood spatter. It's subtle. In fact, you can't really see it, the clip is too dark after transcoding it a couple of times, but I it looks great at full resolution. I'll try to render out a brighter version.

Where's Waldo Production Stills

Here are some production stills from the first weekend of shooting. They aren't really related to visual effects but they look super awesome.

Warning: These probably contain spoilers:

Where's Waldo Details

We started principal photography this weekend, shooting a carnival scene and a cemetery scene. We still have three more locations to shoot, but a majority of the effects work occurs in the already shot cemetery scene, which is where a sort of climactic final showdown occurs.

My amazing friend who came and took production stills for me also set up this website:

He will probably take care of lots of the still graphic design work (posters, dvd covers, etc) that I was planning on doing, but no worries, there are still tons of visual effects waiting to be done.

From what has been shot already, here's a breakdown of what needs to happen:

- five different gunshots, including muzzle flash, ambient lighting, and gun slide action
- close up of face as gashes open in it, possibly other "soul destroying" effects
- adding blood splatter to two seperate shovel hits to the face (50% one of these is completed already)
- masking off parts of shots so that Waldo can hide behind impossibly narrow trees (100% complete)
- tons of tracking/dolly shot stabilization

and also:
- unreasonable amounts of color correction (I won't do this until the picture is locked, probably)
- animated intro/title sequence/credits
- really sweet action trailer

It's hard to schedule everything precisely because it all depends on how the shoot goes and when we shoot and when editing happens, but I'm basically going to work on them as I get them.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Final Project Proposal

I am going to do all the post production work on my final short film that I'm making for my narrative class. It's a horror/comedy entitled "Where's Waldo." The visual effects work will include, but not be limited to, color correction, lighting effects, gun shots, blood splatters, a sweet animated title sequence, ripping apart a soul (not quite sure how I'm gonna do that one yet), image stabilization, and some other miscellaneous effects.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Assignment Nine: Particles

This easily the assignment I am most proud of on this entire blog:

just kidding.